Ultimate Resource Collection

August 14, 2022


Note: I plan to make a dedicated page for this, which loads dynamic content without the need to reload. Similar sorting to how https://awesomelists.top work. For now, this will serve as a central hub for the best resources I have found, sorted by category.

note: after debugging, hash anchors need to be in ALL LOWERCASE`

ToC: General CS Math Photography

cli test



Teenager Advice from Ali Abdaal Orchestra 2022 Sort through this playlist Videography PLaylist

Useful Websites

Stackshare Layoffs.fyi BuiltWith 12ft.io Politician Stock Trades Cheapest Flights Code Visualizer Discord Embeds Without the Banner oeis number sequences Instapaper Ai.google Google Cloud Cheatsheet Web RoadMap Learn stonks copy ai prepostseo Autocomplete Ai Sidehustle Stack Zapier (automation tool) Axiom Ai Curl supported file upload Social Bearing Presentation maker (beautiful.ai) tinywow Otter ai Generate Leads Write Emails Faster Quillbot rewrite :clown: Appscope Readwise Article: Building A Second Brain

Useful Subreddits

r/editors r/photoclass_2022 r/cpp Datahoarders Self Hosted


Where to find everything My List of Resourceful Github Repositories Wtwmoo

Javascript Info Web Dev Docs Project Euler NASM Tutorial [Crafting Interpeters] C Standard Hacking Introduction Geeksforgeeks endless algorithms Gfg data structures Algorithm Implementations in C++ Roll Your Own JS Runtime LLVM language guide LLVM Lang Tutorial Tiny Renderer (how opengl works) nextjs with supabase Flappybird NEAT Ai File Name Hashing Front End Practice Stylestage Bloom Language Model Machine Learning / AI Ai.google C++ Coding Standard

PGP Books: Rust Lang Go Lang C Lang learn ne a haskell kotlin docs bash reference

Modern Software Engineering: https://amzn.to/3H356FV The Pragmatic Programmer: https://amzn.to/3xssadR Principles of Web API Design: https://amzn.to/3x6OEzS Clean Code: https://amzn.to/3tK0vTN Python Distilled: https://amzn.to/3tlu39Q Code That Fits in Your Head: https://amzn.to/3NwQNff

Competitive Programming

Intro Awesomelist for Codeforces Competitive C++ Manifesto Precompile bits/stdc++.h Usaco Guide PDFS:

Self Hosting

Docker Sandstorm jellyfin, jellyfin web client plex filebrowser homer flame adguard home wireguard synology syncthing nextcloud openmediavault webdav server Minecraft Server Budget Home Server No bullsht file hosting/url shortening


Awesomlists Pocketbase Supabase gRPC Kubernetes Free file caching lmao Toml Prosemirror (web text editors) Editor Framework (tiptap) Bazel (build tool) Amazon Alexa SDK keyster pwd manager indify (notion widgets) VirusTotal API Image Hashing docsify vitest stripe StableDiffusion AI


Aime Amc10 CEMC Aops

Science: PDFS: Physics Notes and Textbook

